About Us

Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better
than the one we inhabit today.

- Barack Obama

The idea began in January 2009 and im4 was launched June 2009.  We operate as a virtual organization for a few reasons:
  • We have volunteers, not paid staff
  • We want to be everywhere, not limited by an office presence
  • We want to use our resources to promote im4, not manage it. 
  • We are you, people spreading the word...
Us means you...  We are here to promote people getting the word out.  What word you ask?  The word on all the good deeds people are doing for the planet, country, environment, community, companies, animals, neighbors and other fellow human-beings.  Whatever it is, we want you to inform others about it and inspire them to engage in their own action.

It is really that simple!  
See the im4 charter and read the note from our Founder to learn more.