Founder's Note

May, 2009

After four months of unemployment and looking for something good to cling  to, I needed to continue my search and create an outlet to apply my optimism.

Life presents enough challenges for many as it is and now it is getting worse.  I have always been the glass is half full kind of guy and do not let any challenge keep me down.  The recent loss of my father also gave me an opportunity to reflect, on his life and mine, which inspired me to find a way to create something bigger than just me and my family.  Something to help others who do not necessarily have the same resilience and need a catalyst for hope and inspiration.

The media is filled with plenty of bad news, disspelling hopes and confidence in the future.  A friend recently told me that he stopped watching the TV news, because he found a pattern of seven or so segments dedicated to bad news before anything else.  WOW! I'm so glad not to be counting.

There is a lot of good going on, but you have to seek it out.  Face-to-face contact is fundamental to human nature.  I created im4 to spread the good news between two people at a time, not via the phone, email, IM or texting.  One sharing, the good old fashion way, in a personal dialog with another their good deeds and, possibly, inspiring the other to act.  Imagine what would happen if one person inspires two people to act and for that to continue to repeat itself.

Please start, or continue, sharing your good deeds with others and help make tomorrow better than today.

Best of Luck,
Peter Shay

Peter lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his beautiful and supportive wife Connie, showtune singing daughter Maddy (12), sports-loving son Cole (9) and hyper dog Kismet, who found the Shay family a few years ago in the woods.